The most critical component of the decision to sell your company, operating division, or business unit is How much is it worth utilizing a thorough understanding of the fundamental financial and operational metrics which will be used to establish an independent expectation of value of the assets to be transferred via an asset sale or stock transaction. Establishing this expectation of a value should not be left the general rule-of-thumb multiple calculations used by CBI+ Advisory Partner’s competitors based on industry averages. There are simply too many variables that need to be examined by a licensed valuation professional for each type of business transferred, including key intellectual property rights, enabling technologies, barriers to competitive entry, longevity and quality of key customer accounts, and many others, just to name a few.
CBI+ Advisory Partners assists the firm’s clients with selecting the most appropriate and licensed professionals for an independent third party valuation appropriate to each contemplated transaction.
CBI+ Advisory Partners has thoroughly evaluated the landscape of valuation professionals across multiple industries and recommends the most credible and reliable professionals uniquely qualified to render a rock-solid, defensible valuation that will stand up to scrutiny by professional service providers such as an attorney, CPA, and professional financial planners alike.
We discuss the results of the valuation only with our client and the results are maintained on a totally confidential basis, unless or until, our client approves the use of the valuation as an important tool to be used in the negotiations with a buyer.